Thursday, June 19, 2014
R Ferris Videos at LUMEN Festival on Staten Island!
Friday, June 13, 2014
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Sunday, June 08, 2014
Visit HouseTremont and take your turn in co-creating a piece. Disrupt the everyday rational process and open your eyes to the shared unconscious.
Facilitated by R Ferris.
Saturday, February 01, 2014
Friday, October 04, 2013
A Director and Curator's View - Galatea Glance
Sunday, June 30, 2013
by R Ferris
(part of the 2013 W2S Performance Series)
1834 E. 123rd St (off Euclid Ave. in Uptown), Cleveland, Ohio 44106 USA
Pygmalion's ivory sculpture comes to life.
**please be advised that this event contains nudity **
Friday, May 06, 2011

St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio (MBA)
Cleveland Institute of Art, Cleveland, Ohio (Cont.Ed.)
2004 - Chosen for Nesnadny + Schwartz Visiting Critics Program (MOCA Cleveland) studio visit by Dominic Molon, Associate Curator, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago
2005 – Artist Review Today, Nov/Dec Issue, Featured Artist
2006 –, 3.15.06, Gallery Ü-Haul "don’t look back: site-specific works"
• Gallery U, Buddha Project with Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio
• Gallery U, Cleveland, Ohio (one-person show)
• subdivision (one person show and participation), ARTcade, Cleveland, Ohio
• the lab at b side, Cleveland Heights, Ohio
• Playing with the Light Within (collaboration with Karen van de Vliet & Alexis Marie Savon), Gallery U, Cleveland, Ohio
• “don’t look back: site-specific works”, Gallery Ü-Haul, Cleveland, Ohio
• Arts Collinwood, Annual Juried Members’ Show, Cleveland, Ohio
• Asterisk Gallery, (Tremont) Cleveland, Ohio, triumvirate 3-person group show
• Vision Art Gallery, Cleveland, Ohio, Paradigm Shift
• Brandt Gallery, (Tremont) Cleveland, Ohio, At The Cellular Level
• The Sculpture Center, Cleveland, Ohio, After the Pedestal, an exhibition juried by Paola Morsiani, Curator of Contemporary Art at the Cleveland Museum of Art. “Full Moon over Hot Springs” – a participation involving the hospitality of bread & wine, coupled with the ancient communion of the hot springs under the full moon.
• Zygote Press, Cleveland, Ohio, WIP Exhibition. “Live Chat NonArt Art” – the dynamic stripping of technology to reveal the mystery of being present
• Asterisk Gallery at the Ingenuity Fest, Cleveland, Ohio, Asterisk@Ingenuity. Participation Conversation –after “The Act of Drinking Beer with Friends is the Highest Form of Art” ~ Tom Marioni
• Berlin, Germany – “VolksArt at the Waschcafé” – based upon the social architecture ideas of Joseph Beuys, combines social intervention, hospitality & the everyday to create a new interaction.
• Berlin, Germay – “Free Store Beer Piece” - the drop off of new, virgin goods with a near universal value, especially a commodity associated with good times in group, to a “free store”.
• Berlin, Germany – “Convivium Berlin, a small start” - To continue a rich history of meeting, sharing alcoholic beverage & bread: from sitting around a fire several thousand years ago, to the great banquets of learning and friendship started by Marsilio Ficino’s Conviviums of the 15th Century in Florence and carrying on to the art “Happenings” of the 1960s!
• Convivium Kirtland, the longest (almost) night – organized around the ancient winter solstice observation
• “Drinking Beer [& breaking bread] with Friends”, homage to Tom Marioni - “Live Video” presented at "Referential – Homage, Montage, Sabotage" curated by Cynthia Penter Asterisk Gallery, Cleveland, Ohio
• “Tea & Chat: touching” – inviting participation in the ancient ritual of everyday tea drinking combined with in-person chat, where the result may be a verbal and/or energetic touching. Presented at Zygote Press, WIP session.
• “Crockpot Convivium – CLE”, to continue a rich history of gathering, sharing conversation, food & beverage. We will share our own “21st Century Expressions of the Second Sex” as we prepare our meals and serve each other in this glorious domestic dining ritual presented at Josaphat Arts Hall & Convivium33 Gallery, Cleveland, Ohio
Connections were made. Art was distilled, torn apart and birthed. I was changed. It had as much effect on my artistic vision as any other experience that I had ever had.
R Ferris
Rick Ferris
*Participation Art – an art form where the active participation of those in attendance is both integral & required, and the work cannot exist without it; where an “audience” is impossible; and where one emerges, changed by the experience.
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Drinking Beer [& breaking bread] with Friends, homage to Tom Marioni
“Live Video” by R Ferris 2010
Presented at Asterisk Gallery Show: "Referential – Homage, Montage, Sabotage" curated by Cynthia Penter
I happened upon a Tom Marioni Salon at SFMOMA in early 2009. Who would have dreamed that an august art museum would sponsor an evening of beer drinking & talking and call it art?
Connections were made. Art was distilled, torn apart and birthed. I was changed.
My interest in participations was urged to grow. Exploring the disintermediation of artist and viewer. Throwing both into a joint experience of art creation. Cutting out the middle man; cutting out the art object.
May we engage.
Asterisk Gallery Presents: "Referential – Homage, Montage, Sabotage"
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Live Chat NonArt Art
Presented at Zygote Press
Cleveland, Ohio, WIP Exhibition (6/19/2009)
This participation represents the dynamic stripping away of technology to reveal the mystery of being present.
Monday, September 07, 2009

My latest body of work is in Participation Art. I define this as an art form where the active participation of those in attendance is both integral & required, and the work cannot exist without it; where an “audience” is impossible; and where one emerges, changed by the experience.
The first piece as presented at The Sculpture Center, Cleveland, Ohio, After the Pedestal, an exhibition juried by Paola Morsiani, Curator of Contemporary Art at the Cleveland Museum of Art) on June 5, 2009. It was entitled Full Moon over Hot Springs – a participation involving the hospitality of bread & wine, coupled with the ancient communion of the hot springs under the full moon.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Monday, May 29, 2006
Friday, May 05, 2006
Saturday, April 15, 2006

R Ferris - Artist Statement
Quick reviews of recent events
Gallery Ü Haul in front of Inside Outside Gallery, Tremont, 3/10 I visited five galleries and one small film festival distributing call for entry flyers for the upcoming Hessler 2006 Poetry & Prose Annual on Friday night.
As I was driving south on
I parked and visited Inside Outside for a while. Per usual, Inside Outside was intriguing. I placed five flyers for the Hessler 2006 Poetry & Prose Invitational on the front desk and after I looked around I found only one flyer left. I put three more flyers down. There will be a story about this show by Douglas Max Utter in some local publication because he was taking notes about individual pieces during the opening.
Then I visited the U-haul truck outside. I was surprised to find Patsy Kline, owner of Gallery Ü in the Artcade Downtown presenting " Gallery Ü-Haul "don’t look back: site-specific works".
There were several pieces of ethereal sculptures and paintings along one wall of the well-lit cargo space. The main work was a video projected on the front wall of the cargo space in a way I was unable to determine at my passing glance. The video was a maniacal loop taken from the view out the windshield of an automobile traveling the loops of the I-271-Mayfield Road interchange in
The video installation by R Ferris, oil paintings by Michael McNamara, and sculpture installation by Steven B. Smith.
Ms. Kline said that Gallery Ü in the Artcade has been replaced with a sports bar type place. I can imaging the fun Patsy will have taking art to people with Gallery Ü Haul this summer.
From Cool Cleveland contributor Lee Batdorff lbatdorff*AT*
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Press Release from GALLERY Ü CLEVELAND-
February 1, 2006, Cleveland, Ohio — “don’t look back: site-specific works” is an experimental exhibit held inside the back of a 17' U-haul moving van. The exhibit will focus on the difficulties and necessity of moving forward featuring work by R Ferris, video installation; Michael McNamara, oil paintings; and Steven B. Smith, sculpture installation. Curated by Patsy Kline. Opening night is Friday, March 10, 2006, 6 - 10 p.m. and will be in conjunction with Tremont Artwalk. Gallery Ühaul will be parked in front of Inside-Outside Art Gallery at 2688 W. 14th Street, Cleveland, Ohio.
Two more dates have been scheduled for the "don't look back" show: Saturday, April 8, 5 - 10 p.m., at Arts Collinwood (they are having a closing, Joan of Art is opening a gallery, and Dan Tranburg has a second saturday coffee house open in a local church) and Friday, April 14, 6 - 10 p.m., at Brandt Gallery on the corner of Kenilworth and West 11th St. in Tremont (it's also the Tremont Artwalk, the closing of Steve Smith's show at the Inside-Outside Gallery and Brandt is having a closing).